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Womens bjj Classes

Are you looking for women's only Brazilian jiu-jitsu classes near me?


Our Jiu-Jitsu club in Stevenage, Kent, offers dedicated BJJ classes for ladies who want to master the gentle art. 


Whether you're a complete beginner or an advanced practitioner, we'll be more than happy to welcome you to 40 Licks Jiu Jitsu.


Join us for the ladies-only BJJ classes every Wednesday at 6:30 pm. 


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Why is bjj good for women?

womens only bjj classes

BJJ offers numerous benefits for women, both physically and mentally. Here are some of the key advantages:


- bjj emphasizes leverage and technique over size and strength, making it an effective martial art for women to defend themselves against larger opponents

- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu provides a full-body workout, improving cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility and endurance

- develop mental agility as you learn problem-solving skills on the mat

- improve confidence, focus and discipline by learning to stay present during the classes - skill which can successfully translate into other areas of your life and improve them

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